
Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Hazel Tree by Julia Debski

The Hazel Tree

by Julia Debski

Giveaway ends May 01, 2014.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

(Last) Sunday...

I had a riding lesson with my instructor Sarah up at Heritage Stables on Sunday. It was such lovely weather that we decided to go out on a trailride. I rode Tako, a 19year old mustang. I rode bareback while Sarah rode Diva, a 3 year old Percheron. We went out and we were doing fine till the horses got spooked by the ducks. I stayed on and did lateral flexion. Sarah was impressed. My balance has really improved.

However only a few minutes later Diva kicked out at Tako and I fell off. (I can really feel it in my shoulder now) It was fine so no need to worry too much. But my shoulder does hurt quite a bit...

Straight after the lesson I went down to the stables. Sharlie & Casper's new field was ready so I caught Sharlie and put her in there immediately to explore. After that I went to go catch Casper. He was reluctant, but it didn't seem to be fear, it seemed to be more "you can't catch me. I don't WANT to be caught."
Eventually he got bored with the game and decided I was more interesting.

I took him out and went over to the tackroom to sit down on the bench. I sat down and just dropped the lead rope. Casper just hung his head next to me, relaxed and content. I grabbed a brush and began to brush his legs again. He rested his nose on the back of my neck. I just continued a rhythmic stroking pattern. At one point he just blew and blew and blew. (All over me. Horsey boogers. :P )

With Sharlie all I did was give her a big grooming, especially focusing on the hooves because the farrier was coming the next day.
I did do hill therapy with her.

Here comes the bad weather.