Oh boy. So my lesson with Kara was excellent. She became provocative almost immediately by showing me not assuming we were going to play with Cherish the whole time. After just a few minutes of Touch It she stopped me and we talked about self presence. At first I didn't even know self presence or what it was. After a game of Hang Man (which I promptly died. A?B?C?D?E?F?G? Haha) Kara tried to explain what self presence is. The only definition that clung to me was this.
Self Presence: Living in the moment and enjoying that moment. Just like horses.
Kara will hopefully go into more definition when she writes about it on her blog. But I don't want to take the credit for it. Plus I may not have grasped the concept properly so wait till she writes about it.
We lay in the dirt building dirt piles. Cherish wandered to and fro, checking up on what we were doing, then over to watch Finale and Hope out in the field. Kara and I talked about this and that. Living in the moment and enjoying it. (Well except for when the cat attacked my shoulder) We lay there in the sun having fun.
Then we got Cherish and played with one of the new toys in the arena. We only did that for a minute or two...I don't remember how we stopped. But we changed into doing simulations.
Oh I LOVE doing the different horsenalities simulations. I would have to say I love being a LBE horse!
I think both of us were LBE horses (interchanging from horse to human) and we both tried out being a LBI horse. Then we did some simulations for RBIs such as "what would Casper do?" and "What would a typical RBI do?" We also did some "normal vs natural"simulations. Kara is an evil 'normal' :P
We played a bit more with Cherish really some simple stuff. Then we put her up and went in to eat.
The lesson was about 2 hours. We mostly talked and thats what made the impact.
Surprisingly this post is alot shorter then I thought or wanted it to be....
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