
Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Hazel Tree by Julia Debski

The Hazel Tree

by Julia Debski

Giveaway ends May 01, 2014.

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Moments with Casper

On Sunday and today I went down to the stables to play with my chunky monkeys. (Sorry its a phase.) What happened during both with Casper was amazingly special.

Sometimes I have these feelings. Almost like a 6th sense telling me to either play or not to play with one of my two monkeys that day. I might not have even been down to see them in several days but something will be nagging at me saying "yes, play with Casper." or "Its a bad idea to play with Sharlie today." And this little voice has been right so far. Today in the middle of school I had a feeling that I should go play with Casper, even if it was raining. I felt I really should go down. So I did. I haltered Casper with savvy and started playing the Touch It game. However Casper was RBI and sinking deeper by the second. I panicked. What do I do? So I just sat down (remember it was raining. Icky mud) and brought my energy as low as I could. Casper went catatonic. I could tell because his eyes glazed over, he was barely breathing and you could just tell he wasn't there. Then after a few minutes he started fighting it. It started touching me    gently with his nose, to keep contact. When he was out of it, he rested his nose in my lap and after that started licking my hands. Then he gave a big sigh and rested his nose touching the ground.
Something very similar happened on Sunday, except after he had rested his nose on my shoulder, he became LBE and wanted to chew everything.

A horse really is only as tall as the tips of his ears when his nose is touching the ground.

Also these last couple days Kara and I have been planning out a part of our summer where I go to her place for several weeks with hopefully both Sharlie and Casper. We are still trying to determine the number of weeks, but its definitely a minimum of 2. I am looking forward to it very much. I see it as a super duper fast track course. I am very grateful to Brita and mom for putting up with Kara and I. Thanks Brita. :)

School started today. I have an interesting schedule. My Personal Finance teacher game a very motivating speech about long and short term goals. World History I feel is going to be a thorn in my side. The teacher and I don't see eye to eye on any levels. Wellness is P.E in disguise. Thats not gonna work. And last is Honors Geometry. That may be ok. I have lost my passion for math but I have heard if you hate Algebra you will love Geometry. The teacher is nice he just talks REALLY LOUDLY and by that time in the day, I already have a head ache...ughhhh

Kara, Brita, Mom and I are planning to go to a Kathy Baar Clinic in Wartrace TN in March. We will just be watching. It is going to be the first time I meet a Parelli Professional and go see a clinic. I'm excited!

Thats all for now.

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