
Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Hazel Tree by Julia Debski

The Hazel Tree

by Julia Debski

Giveaway ends May 01, 2014.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Don't Let Your Emotions Get The Best of You

Hey Everyone,

Today I want to tell you about not letting your emotions get the better of you.
I know I usually don't talk about a specific topic. I'll talk about how Sharlie is doing. How Casper is doing. Etc...
I talked about self-presence. Today I talk about being taken advantage of by your emotions. The controlling big-headed idiots.

Last week Sharlie & I did amazing. Camp was two weeks away. Nothing to worry about! Sharlie was loading easily, happily. She was hanging out in the trailer, staying in there, almost letting me close the door all the way. Her Yoyo & Porcupine were down to Phase 1/2, her Friendly game was as good as ever and she was pricking her ears at me and licking and chewing more than ever before.

Then over the weekend she started becoming more nervous, she didn't want to load anymore, her Friendly game wasn't as good. And I would get ticked off at her. Ugh! So frustrating.

However this time I didn't need Kara to answer this. I was having a daily freakout over packing and stuff because of camp. (Its just how I am. Even though everyone says I'm a great traveler, packing is NEVER my thing!)

My controlling emotions were being over-emotional (haha) and taking control of me! I should break up with them....too controlling!

But what am I to do?

Kara & Brita's answer:
Undemanding time.
Take your time.
Chill out. Its gonna be fine.

Love them so much! :)

7 days. Goodness gracious!


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