Wow! Yesterday was amazing! It was inspiring to watch Hannah play and ride! Elijah looked great on Angel, Ellen and Sarge were amazing! Patches and Amber were gorgeous and I think that they are perfect for Alison and Danielle! Danielle and Amber matched in hair color, which I thought was cool!
My mom and I arrived first, so we were able to groom Misty (the horse I played with) before anyone arrived. Then it was Hannah followed by Ellen (I think) and last was Alison and Danielle. Once everyone arrived, I had my lesson with Jennifer playing online and freestyle that helped me alot and gave me some ideas to try with Sharlie. She also showed my 9-step backup, riding with a stick. Thank you Jennifer!
Then I decided to join the others in the big field where I got to watch Blaze try to be a monkey as he climbed from tire to tire. It was hilarious as he got up and down from the big tire. He has got to be sore from that! :D
Everyone left to go to the arena, and I decided to play for a few minutes on the ground before going to go with the others. When I joined the others, I rode some more. (Because 1. Everyone else was, and 2. I haven't ridden in weeks and was desperate to ride)
And then...I had the chance to ride Blaze a little bit! I was soooo lucky! Thank you Hannah!!!!! Blaze is amazing! The reins meant little to him, so I had to depend on my seat. It was such an interesting experience to be up there (well, not really up...Blaze is SHORT!!! :D ) on Blaze and feel how responsive he is! I don't ever want to forget it because for the first time ever in my life, I felt in complete harmony with a horse. I enjoyed it and didn't have to depend on reins to keep the horse under control! So thank you Blaze and Hannah, so much. That one short little ride got me to believe in Sharlie again and let myself believe that one day, I will get Sharlie to be like that.
I had a nice talk with Elijah, Hannah's brother. He is a really nice guy and he seems to love horses alot. Then lunch. Mom's brownies were a hit, and Jennifer told me about how camp works. I got really interested. I can just imagine how far Sharlie and I can go. Plus, with an arena full of sand, I may be able to actually advance in liberty, without Sharlie wanting to just keep circling, or wanting to eat the whole time! After lunch, we set up a course and Elijah was the judge. We practiced, and then did the real thing. Everybody won! I had fun on Misty and got some inspiration for Sharlie. Maybe I can find a branch to work as a jump......
And alas, all good things must come to an end. I said goodbye to everyone, and managed to catch Hannah playing with Blaze and Angel at liberty. Wow...And then I got a shock. (A good one!!) I realized that like Elijah said, Hannah had gotten no outside help when she was playing with Blaze. And now look, she is level 4/5/6! And he is right. Anyone can do it, as long as you are committed. Well, now, I am committed. I am going to be like Hannah and Blaze one day. I am going to go to Jennifer's camp. I am going to put the relationship first. I want to be able to ride Sharlie bridless!
Thank you to everyone! Thank you Jennifer, Hannah, Ellen, Alison, Danielle, everyone!!!!!!!! I had the time of my life and hope to see you all soon!
(PS- Hannah, if you do move to Franklin, we are always here for a pitstop! :D)
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