“Stranger in the Stables” by Julia Debski
The fireplace, once cold and desolate, now alight and awake, warming up its two companions of the evening, Elizabeth and Peter, and all was calm and quiet till Peter stood from the carpet, walked about before finding himself at the window before calling over his wife so they could peer out into the shadowy night together to what appeared to be a horse and rider approaching.
The next day, when swinging the barn door open, after a long night of unrest, Elizabeth and Peter were not sure what they expected, but were not quite surprised, judging by the stench, that in stall 11 was an anonymous girl, blonde hair muddied and stained, and her bed of hay the color of strawberry punch, sleeping in the corner, forever.
Southern hospitality wasn’t what it used to be.
Author's Note: This was assignment for Creative Writing, which was to write a short story in 3 sentences. 2 were to be long, and one- the final one- short and clever, as if to give the story an oddness about it. In the spirit of Halloween, I wrote mine as a horror story. Its not very good but I thought I would share as you wait for the Colleen Kelly Blogpost coming up.
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