
Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Hazel Tree by Julia Debski

The Hazel Tree

by Julia Debski

Giveaway ends May 01, 2014.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Bright Future ahead!

Dear Friends,
Today I tried my new saddle on Sharlie today. I have to say I did not have high expectations. I have bad experiences where I expect too much of Sharlie and I end up getting upset because things don't go as planned and Sharlie doesn't understand what she did wrong. So I decided to set my sights low. I decided that is would be fine if I never got to ride Sharlie today because she wasn't comfortable or emotionally ready. I was hesitant to get on after she seemed to have trouble adjusting to the saddle. But once I got on and we went down to the stream, I was already feeling a difference. She had her head lower down than usually and she lengthened her stride. And for the first time in a very long time, I trotted Sharlie more then I ever had. And I wasn't scared, I wasn't panicking, it was FUN! Her gait was much smoother and more fluid. Our future with this saddle is looking great!

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