
Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Hazel Tree by Julia Debski

The Hazel Tree

by Julia Debski

Giveaway ends May 01, 2014.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

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Friday, October 2, 2009

Thank you so much to Mr. Bell

I haven't had such an amazing Language Arts teacher in all my life. He is just so helpful and I made an A on my progress report in 2 years in Language Arts. He is just the best. And he proved this again by agreeing to help me write an article for the Savvy Times. And he said he would give me extra credit. So now, over the weekend, I am working on the rough draft of the article, to turn into him on Monday so he can correct it, then I type it up, and then turninto him again. Then after that, I go in and make all the corrections, add photos, and Voila! I send in the article to the Savvy Times, and (cross your fingers) they will accept the article!

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